Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Assassins Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is out now and follows in the footsteps of Origins with a more open-RPG take on Assassin's Creed. But which game is better? Find out in this week's episode of Versus! People saying Bayek is too uptight and needs to relax, would you be relaxed if your son was killed right in front of you and you were going after the people who did it? I wouldn't be lol on my opinion Origins is a better assassins creed game Oddyssey is a better video game. There need to be more ancient Egyptian games, the best part of origins was the setting, it was so grand and mysterious, plus Bayek was a great character. Origins is one of the most beautiful games ever in my opinion. The landscape, colours and setting at certain points made my jaw drop.
Having played and completed both, I prefer Origins. I actually ended up finishing Odyssey first, after having played most of Origins. For the longest time I couldn't put my finger on why Odyssey felt less immersive to me. Don't get me wrong, it's an incredible game, too. I love that Ubisoft pushed the RPG elements further with it and the combat is more engaging, and sailing the seas is a welcome return. But then I went back to Origins, and felt sucked into the world of ancient Egypt and came to realize Odyssey has size, but Origins has grandeur. Both maps are big, but I confess the team who made Origins have more world building talent. Everything from the way the camera pans with the movement of the character in Origins while it stays rather stagnant in Odyssey, to how epic all the architecture felt in the former more than the latter. I never felt like I was a speck in a massive world while playing Odyssey, but I do when in Origins, and that's actually a good feeling to have. Side Note: Odyssey's world is also more bloated, the map filled with a thousand and one things that felt more like a grind than an adventure. Still a great game, though.

I upload it for you guys and see what is your  comment 

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