Saturday, January 28, 2023


brute guide

When you open the door, make sure to move to the left of the door.
Purchase items that increase damage or improve crowd control.
Equip your character with an eagle eye, an iron helmet, a minor power potion, a war hammer for crowd control, and a minor stamina potion.
Use mana bolt up and flame strike down for your attacks.
Use impaling eruption to deal more damage to the main target after hitting other opponents.
Game flow:

Select two cards.
Determine initiative.
Proceed to the clean-up phase.


monsters focus:
in combat who ever is the nearest  is the target but if they got same spaces then there is a tie breaker the 1st tie breaker is proximity to the bandit card  whichever one is closest as the crow flies in spaces breaks the tie first  if  equal distant as the crow flies the proceed to 2nd tie breaker and whichever one is lowest in  initiative order is the one that's going   to be the monster's focus
for example the enemy monster have 2 moves but there is 2 monster standing on path adjacent if thats the case enemy will not able to move

what if there is a trap?
same thing enemy have to find shortest way to reach the player but if there is no path then in this case it could move through this hazardous terrain this space and then attack the player  and suffer the consequences

trap damage is the scenario level plus two so if this is scenario one traps do three damage hazardous terrain does half of trap damage so 1.5 rounded down this bandit guard would take one damage

how about range enemies
so in this case the bandit guard has a move minus one so they'll have a move two in attack plus zero so an attack two and then range two and so now we have a ranged element so when we consider monster focus for the turn we're going to consider a range two and so really we'll only need to move one space to attack the spell weaver or one space to attack the brute so we have a tie and if you remember the first tie breaker's proximity how many physical spaces away is each enemy character and in this case they're both two physical spaces away from bandicard six the second tiebreaker is initiative so just to give the spellweaver a break for this turn we'll say the brute has lower initiative this turn so the brute is going to be bandit guard 6's focus

range monster beside character
any time a monster is in a disadvantage area it would want to move where it's not in disadvantage it wants to move where it can make its maximum attack so in this case the banded archer would move one space away from the brute so it can make its maximum attack against the brute the players would choose which space the bandit archer moves to

range with 2 target
for this example let's say that this banded archer has a move three this turn and also has an attack with a target too so the tinkerer is the banded archer's focus since it's closest however it's at disadvantage also since it's a multi-target attack it's going to want to attack the spell weaver as well so it needs to get in a spot where it's in range without disadvantage from both of these enemies the banded archer has a range 4 so the banded archer could move here and be one two three four be able to hit the spell weaver and the tanker i think you'd also have the choice it could move here as well so the banded archer would attack the tinkerer


shield icon:
allow player to reduce 1 damage of the incoming attacks but you can pierce the shield with brute piercing attack 

attack modifier: 
player and enemies have their on modifier 

disdvantage modifier:
if you make disavantage for the enemies. enemies must draw 2 card modifier and select the  worst 1 

advantage modifier:
if you are in advantage draw 2 card modifier and select the best 1


 trample 2nd option

 spare dagger 1st option

 skewer 1st option

 combo 1












provoking roar up + spare dagger down
freezing nova down + reviving ether up
balance measure + boots that add movement + movement card
spare dagger + skewer
trample + balance measure

strategy 1
brute let enemy approach you then use  trample +boots + balance measure
juggernaut  + then open the door 

reviving ether 2nd option  + fire orbs 1st option  = (it will move to the area and take position and star attacking up to 3 enemies
impaling  eruption 2nd optiom + flame strike = (take position and attack )

 fire orbs 1st option

aid from the ether


 flame strike














Miniatures 1 2 3 4 5 6 

idea to make own boardgame CLICK HERE

dungeon mayhem
gloomhaven printables CLICK HERE
gloomhaven  pdf rullbook CLICK HERE

sometimes you get stuck

gloomhaven modifier flow

fan made gloomhaven

city encounter card
-pag meron city icon ang card pwede ka ulit mag draw ng city encounter card

good deed perks reward:
> attack modifier benefits 
bad deed perks reward: 
> develop or unluck hidden card skills (upper card common skills  lower part is your customize skill depend on the book)
examples of skills on the book:
take the opponents underware, or genitals dirt and sell them sometimes its a rare crafting material for rare items

bad perks task:
1. decline any quest request -----------reward: bad perks use for certain bad perk section (badperks reward + decline city encounter to find kids trigger the condition)

bad perks selection

2 perks ----  malicious touch  (female enemy will scared status not able to attack next round
applicable to normal monsters only)
1 perks -----  sneak behind and slap the enemy then go back to original position (enemy confuse turn enemy facing behind him not able to attack this turn)

1. every time you write diary on your room you will get 1 x2 modifier on your deck remove it after ending the scenario

2. Arena: after you pinish the 1st 5 scenario you will met someone in the city telling you about the arena. arena is a place where u can register and grind for a level and gold

3. merchant convoy: once you unlock other city someone will talk to you about convoy and convoy card to your road encounters  you have option to accept or no if you accept read the description its always from the city to the nearest city, during that quest you have to draw convoy event  examples of convoy event are
1. you saw a pile of trash   want to search if yes  what ever the answer the next sentence will always tell you to draw another convoy event until you draw ambush once ambush is finish shuffle the convoy event

my own gloomhaven idea (legend of mana style)
city encounter:
each city has their own city encounter 
example 1: a girl is asking help to find his kids ---------option 1 yes  we will help you to find your kids option 2 decline to  help her is you select yes the city encounter card there is a number written on it for example section #1  find that section on the book and read the while discription of that quest

if you equip the right set of equipment it will give you a unique effect for certain set for 
examples of set effects
remove  all null from you attack modifiers
null effect will become +0 attack modifiers

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