Saturday, October 7, 2023


 Okay, let me give you a brief explanation. I understand the process. Here's what we do to ensure that all venues are up and running. If there is any problem, we need to investigate its source and identify the affected equipment. if this is a call from zendesk Create a jira ticket or link the existing jira ticket  to zendesk Once we know the issue, we report it to our engineering team. If we have already identified that a device is offline, we also ask for assistance from the on-site personnel, IF They perform a power check, and we evaluate the outcome. If the device comes back online, we can resolved the ticket; if not, we need to update the network engineer. for the next action plan

The main issues we face are related to venue information, insufficient training, and a lack of clarity in our tools and terminology. Sometimes, the venue information is incomplete, which leads to confusion during troubleshooting. We understand that our goal is to provide one-time or one-call resolution, and we acknowledge the importance of urgency in answering questions. We all have our learning curves, and it doesn't mean that learning something new happens instantly; it takes time. Some people might face difficulties in their job, especially during the initial stages. I'm emphasizing that we still need assistance
